Human Resources
In order for creativity, which has the capacity to reveal something new and unknown, to occur, it is necessary to be knowledgeable, to spend effort, and to put its head to the value believed. In addition, the creative person must be patient, courageous, self-confident, emotional and thoughtful. In addition to all these, it should be beneficial to the organization by developing new ideas.
Those in the organization should allow others to benefit from the knowledge and experience they have gained, and share their problems with others and produce effective solutions.
Those involved in the organization should be energetic and agile. He should not hesitate to go over the problems, he should take initiatives with courage and not afraid of difficulties in order to achieve new works and achieve greater things.
The individual should be aware that the worst decision made is better than indecision. Acting with this awareness, it should make fast, effective, result-oriented, solution-oriented and efficient decisions.
The organization should consist of honest and reliable individuals who stick to their promises, keep their promises, and do not go back on their promises.
The individual who is aware of the importance of feedback; should be able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with his company, customers, colleagues, close environment, family and external environment.
An individual who is open to innovations and aims to develop his feelings and thoughts in a good way; He should strive to acquire different abilities and should not only be content with his current job, but also give importance to self-development in different subjects.
He should be able to influence the work and life environment with his behavior on behalf of his company, and the people in his private life with the behaviors he exhibits in his social life, and work to be a role model for them. DOMINATE THE SUBJECT He must have sufficient knowledge to be able to perform his profession. They should be able to benefit from the knowledge and experience of others. In order to gain knowledge, one must be a researcher. They should be able to effectively convey a topic to their senior managers and supervisors and should not hesitate to convey their feelings and thoughts even if they disagree.
The established system should be open to development by the individuals who are constantly a part of it. The individuals forming the system should see themselves as a part of the system, adopt and apply the principles and rules of the system, and see themselves as a part of the system they are in.
The individual, who is one of the basic building blocks of the system, should be able to see himself as a part of the business goals and be able to stick to this goal. In order for the goals to be realized, they should make sufficient efforts, determine their priorities in reaching the goal and ensure coordination in this direction. He should not lose his desire and excitement even in the most difficult and difficult conditions in reaching the goal. He should be able to set new goals for himself by not being content with only the goal that is proposed to him and expected to reach.
Leaders who can inform, encourage, influence and motivate the people they work with in line with the goals of the business should be an indisputable part of the organization. Leaders should teach their subordinates by setting an example and delegate authority to those who are competent.
A team consisting of individuals who are far from the sense of self should be formed. Individuals who make up the team should be able to grasp the importance of total success, work in harmony within the team, and be participatory and directing. Individuals who are part of this team should care more about team success than individual success.
The team should follow technological innovations, benefit from information processing systems and tools, and be knowledgeable about management information flow systems. In addition to all these, it should benefit from work facilitating systems.
Individuals with all these characteristics and their team should come up with strategic solutions in order to gain competitive advantage. For him, individuals are; Must be able to listen and communicate verbally, manage time and tensions, manage personal decisions, identify and solve problems. They must also set goals and express opinions, delegate authority, exercise personal care, build and maintain teams, and manage conflicts.
Our Goals
'Success' is an inevitable reality when it becomes a team consisting of individuals who carry out all these practices and reflect their talents and skills to business life. It will be easier for people who have achieved success to open up to new horizons and adopt bigger goals as a principle. It will be driven to new visions with faith and determination. As a natural consequence of this;
Customer satisfaction, which is the most basic and indispensable goal of businesses, will be achieved to a great extent, and the business that has satisfied customers in its portfolio will be more innovative and progressive in all activities and organizations. The activity and organizational structure of the enterprise will grow even more. The infrastructure that can create new employment areas will also be settled at the same time.